A Really cool Brigid. :) |
Happy...err Belated Imbolc Everybody! It's spring time! and boy is it beautiful here! It's been in the 70s the last two weeks here. Just gorgeous! It's January...wait...it *was* January. Now it's February. Duh! Haha! ;D
Sorry I haven't been writing more! We moved again! but I won't get into too much detail. ;) We moved about 10 days before Christmas about 20 miles south... south?...or its it north?....or west?....or east...?......We moved 20 miles in some direction from where we used to live. ;) Haha! This house is lovely! So much bigger and less moldy. And since then I have just forgotten to write on here (plus I have been doing a lot of reading ;) )
Ok, I just want to do a quick what-books-have-I-read-lately-check-up and then I have something cool to talk about!
Blueberry Muffin Murder the 3rd book in the series. |
So I got a few books for Christmas, that I'm still working on! Mostly they were Cozy/Murder mysteries, which I love! I have been going through the Hannah Swesen mysteries by Joanne Fluke very quickly. They are about a woman named Hannah who runs a bakery in this little town, with no crime but lots of murder (What?!). Hannah likes to solve the cases (She is always the one to find the body with some kind of baked good that she made around it) and ends up getting trapped by the murderer in the end, but narrowly escaping with her life (kind of like Nancy drew, but with more murder and more baking ;D). The first book is called 'The Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder' and the rest of the series has names to do with some baked good.
Terrier, the 1st book in the Beka Cooper series. |
I also read 'Terrier' by Tamora Pierce. It's in the Beka Cooper series. It's about Beka Cooper, a young girl who is training to be a 'Dog' (police. trainees are called Puppies, and bad guys are Rats) in the Lower city of Tortall. Beka is the great-great-great-great-(you get the idea ;D)-grandmother of George Cooper. George, as in Alanna's husband in the Song of Lioness quartet. Eee! :D It was VERY good! Beka is so awesome! :) I can't wait to read the next book 'Bloodhound'
The Cat Who Played Post Office. The 6th book in this series. |
My Mom and I are listening too 'The Cat Who' series by Lillian Jackson-Braun. They are GREAT! It's about a middle aged journalist, Jim Qwilleran (Usually called Qwill) and his two cats Koko and Yum-Yum who solves murder cases. He's really funny! I'm half way through 'The Cat Who Played Post Office' It's very good!
And finally, I have been skimming through the Mythology books I got for Christmas: Bulfinch's mythology, Ovid's Metamorphosis, and some other non-fiction books. Though it takes a lot of concentration to read Bulfinch. Hahahaha!!
So now to my big news! :) I'm going to go to this year's Not Back To School Camp!!!!! Yay!! :D I'm VERY super excited! And another cool thing is, I paid for it all by myself! I have been saving up money for years, from watching neighbors' pets, to birthday money, and I didn't know what to do with it! One time I was saving up for a horse, then I thought maybe I'd fly to the UK to see my friends, then I started saving up to buy a bakery. But now I know what I'm going to spend it on! So then my Mom had a great idea. I'll make things (wire fairies, and crafty stuff like that) and sell it to make enough money again, to go to camp again next year! I think it's a great idea! So I'm learning how to make fairies out of wire and silk flowers. I might do other stuff too, like watch neighbors' pets, make some cat toys, or something like that to sell too, and maybe (Hopefully) I can start sell my baked goods. :) That would be awesome!
It's a camp for unschooling teens in Oregon. It's one week long (or if you want to you can stay two weeks. I'm only doing one week since it's my first time) and it has from 70 to 100 unschoolers. This is my first time going. It's in August and I'm staying for a week...by myself...for the first time ever away from home. I am nervous about being so far away from my family for so long! Golly!
I'm going to dye my hair before I go (I'm going to do it soon, but I want to save the leftover dye for August, since I never use it all at once. I've dyed my hair twice before. My dad helps me do it.) This time I want to go a big more crazy! I want to do all my hair in this color
More later!
Happy readings!
ReplyDeleteLove it all.
The hair, the colorful-hippie style trial period, the YOU!