In which ten-year old Alanna sneaks of to court of Tortall, disguised as a boy named Alan. She becomes a page there and befriends other pages, the prince, and the King of Thieves. During her training she fights mean bullies, battles the sweating sickness, suspects Duke Rodger the prince's cousin and court magican, and proves herself to be as good as the boys. But when she starts her period unexpectedly she goes to George, the King of Thieves, for help. He is more than surprised to find that she is a girl, but takes her to his mother who tells Alanna about womanhood. From then on Alanna and George are best friends. She is invited to join her friends on a trip to the desert to meet some of the locals, where they hear the story of the Black City, and abandoned city with has evil magic that pulls youths to it and eats them up. Alanna wakes in the night and with the Prince they ride to the city. They meet the magical elders and fight an amazing magic battle, that ends with secrets being discovered.
I LOVE this book. I love the whole Alanna series! I think Alanna has become one of my favorite heroines ever. In the beginning Alanna secretly switches places with her twin brother Thom to be a knight while Thom goes to become a sorcerer. Alanna's relationship with all her friends is so much fun to read about it makes you laugh, smile, frown, and you feel every emtion that they are feeling. I Loved all of her friends, Coram, her loving manservant who has been with her since the beginning, Prince Jonathan, George, and Sir Myles, a elderly kinght and teacher who becomes Alanna's new loving father. Tamora Pierce is an amazing writer and I love reading all her books and her heroines are a blast to read about.
This book is in The Song of the Lioness series.
Reccommended for people who like: spunky girls, magic, battles, and amazing friendship.
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