In which Fern and Howard are going to Camp Happy Sunshine Good Times for Anybodies. They get on the bus and are driven to camp by a blind bus driver! They meet Corky Gorsky on the way. When they get to Camp, the counselors are half animal, half human (who are always drinking Diet Lime fizzy drinks) and there's a vicious mole named BORT on the loose, and whenever Fern tries to shake something out of a book, a Diet Lime Fizzy bottle falls out with a notes saying "Help us Fern! We are Nobodies" She meets the hermit, Phoebe, and learns some new tricks. In the end she meets the Nobodies, everybody lets their bad feelings out (flooding in New York City in tears!) and sails away in a giant peach pit boat.
This was a fun book to read, and I think everybody should read these books. (wait until you meet the book birds!) But it made me NEVER EVER want to go to summer camp ;) It is full of adventure, sadness, and a very scary blind handyman. N.E. Bode talks to you directly in the book, talking about his old writing teacher (who is out to get her since she called him a windbag and dimwit in the last book). She tells you all of her scary encounters like being pushed over a waterfall, being attacked by a fake Seeing Eye Dog, almost being hit by a bus, or the elevator that dropped at high speed right after he got off. It's really funny!
This is book 2 of a trilogy.
Recommended for people who like: Their brother or sister (you better like your older sister! I am one!) very blind moles, and peach bread, peach jam and everything else that you make with peaches.

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