In which Morwen, a witch with nine cats, has a problem with an overgrown rabbit and goes to the king and queen of the enchanted forest for help. But when she arrives there is trouble. The wizards have stolen Mendanbar's magic sword. So Cimorene, Morwen, Telemain, Kazul, a six foot blue floating donkey named Killer, and some very sarcastic cats go to steal the sword back. On the way they meet a farmer growing a magical crop and a fire witch.
This is a very funny and adventurous book. I love Morwen's cats (I have four cats) and wish I could be one. I think this might be my favorite book out of the whole series and I hope it will be your favorite too!
This is book three in the Enchanted Forest chronicles.
Recommended for: People who like sarcastic cats, animals who have been turned into other animals, and cool witches.

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