In which Percy, Annabeth, and their new friends are attacked and they are saved my Artemis and her Huntresses, only for Annabeth to be carried away by the monster! After talking to Chiron about what happened, Grover, ZoĆ« and Bianca (two huntresses), and Percy's new friend set out to save Annabeth,Artemis, and all of Olympus. Despite being told to stay at camp, Percy runs away from camp to join them. Along the great and dangerous adventure they face monsters in the Air and Space museum, fight freaky skeletons, slide with large pigs, visit the gods' junkyard, fight more freaky skeletons, fly with big bronze statues, and fight a dragon and a titan. Saving everybody will be tough, and their efforts should be rewarded…
This was my favorite book out of the whole series (mainly because Artemis was in it ;P). This one is the most adventurous. I loved the scene in the Air and Space museum. It was great! you'll love it! Aphrodite appears and is so funny. She thinks that Percy's "quest for true love" (finding Annabeth) is her new favorite soap opera. Percy's new friend (and NO I will not tell you her/his name! it's secret!!!) is great! I'm sure you will love this book as much as I did.
This book is in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series.
Recommended for people who like: Artemis and the Huntresses, freaky skeleton dudes, and lots of funny adventure!